

Our grandstands are designed to offer you seats being top-quality in terms of comfort, and highly customizable. We assemble modular stands of any size, height and shape, both permanent and temporary and at the forefront in terms of materials.

Types of grandstands

In all grandstands, the option is available to choose among benches and seats with flame-resistant PVC shells, which are customizable and available in various colors; if necessary, we also provide step grandstands.

In cooperation with the German building company Layher, which supplies us with first-rate materials and cutting-edge structures, we use the Event System to install pre-assembled modular grandstands, which allow saving materials and time during installation.

How much do grandstands measure?

The measure of the lift can be completely modified to fit every specific necessity: to this day, we have assembled grandstands with lifts measuring 0.12 meters, 0.25 meters and 0.40 meters, but all sizes are available.

Grandstands dimension and capacity are variable and customizable: we have assembled grandstands of up to 1.200 square meters, with capacities ranging among 800, 900, 1.200, 1.400, 4.000, 8.000, 12.000, 18.000, and 20.000 seats.

Prefabricated grandstands

On the occasion of important sport events lasting for many consecutive days, we use prefabricated grandstands, curved, if necessary, which can be installed in stadiums or sport fields.

We also arrange step parterres (in addition to grandstands, or stand-alone ones) made of Layher modules and panels, with adaptable size and capacity. They can be lifted up to the necessary height, with platforms if needed. It is also possible to add a VIP area.

Grandstands coverings

Different types of coverings are available for our grandstands, to protect seats from weathering. Among them, we find coverings with adaptable cantilevered length.


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